[ใหม่] Top Rated New Apple MacBook Air MD761LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)
600Last Week
- Viewed 156
All the Power You Want. All Day Long.
The new MacBook Air is thin, light, and durable enough to take everywhere
you go -- and powerful enough to do everything once you get there. A
fourth-generation Intel Core processor and Intel HD Graphics 5000 deliver high
performance, while using less power. So you get remarkable battery life: up to
12 hours on this 13.3-inch model.
with up to 45 percent faster flash storage compared to the previous generation
and new 802.11ac Wi-Fi for up to 3x faster wireless, the new MacBook Air is
quicker and more responsive than ever.
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The MacBook Air also includes both a high-speed Thunderbolt port and two USB 3 ports, enabling you to easily connect to external displays and a wide variety of high performance peripherals.
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This version of the MacBook Air (model MD761LL/A) sports a 13.3-inch high-resolution display, 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5 dual-core processor (with a Turbo Boost of up to 2.6 GHz), 256 GB of flash memory storage, and 4 GB of RAM (see full specifications below). It also comes with the iLife software suite, which includes the latest versions of iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand.