[ใหม่] AB Taxi Service Pattaya ~ Taxi to pattaya 1,000THB only 24Hr.

651 สัปดาห์ ที่แล้ว - ชลบุรี - คนดู 154
If you dare not use taxi service, no matter general public taxi or Suvarnabhumi airport taxi to Pattaya city because you are afraid of cheating or service overcharging. We would like to introduce service of Suvarnabhumi airport taxi to Pattaya when you arrived Thailand and wish to travel to Pattaya city soon. If you use our Suvarnabhumi airport taxi service to Pattaya, firstly you can be assured that our driver can be your guide to enjoy the travel, certainly no interfere or privacy intrusions no matter yourself, friend or your family. That we dare to guarantee the quality of our Suvarnabhumi airport taxi to Pattaya service, are over the price of the service of Suvarnabhumi airport taxi 100%.